To keep up with today’s technological advancement, hospitals have their own IT managers with a team to ensure that computers are working and “talking to each other” to serve their patients better.
Systems integration is gettingmultiple computer software systems to work together. Different departments, clinics and hospitals combine information with the help of a powerful software tool that improvesthe efficiency rate of data delivery.
With systems integration, hospitals can access and share real-time information such as laboratory results, diagnostic procedures, patient records, and other information needed by healthcare professionals, even at the patient’s bedside with the use of technological devices like mobile phones and tablets.
The coming together of this data, better known as systems integration, is making it easier to access necessary information for clients who need medical attention. The data stored is readily accessible by medical personnel in order to provide optimum care for the client in need, both as an inpatient, and as an outpatient. By making all patient or client information accessible from a single point, there’s one place to access relevant information for a patient’s medical management.
Another advantage of systems integration is maximisation of time. Using this computer technology, there’s less time spent extracting necessary information from the patient. Merging information means there’s no duplication of processes like interviews that occurred in the previous systems used by organizations.
System integration has been commonly utilized by the business sector to increase profitability and elevate the standard of their services. However the medical field can also benefit from more advanced forms of system integration. The effects of systems integration in the business sector, like cost saving, increased revenue and automation can also be achieved by employing the same principles in the health care system.
To obtain the benefits of system integration, it’s important to choose an IT expert who has the experience of efficiently integrating and cleaning up the systems between hospital departments, or even international offices. Hiring a company of professional computer consultants can guarantee that your system is working efficiently, ensuring that everyone has easy access to valuable information.
However, in order to achieve the aforementioned benefits of system integration the organization must acquire an expert on system integration. System integrators are information technologists who specialize in developing programs to merge certain data or services of a company into one computer application. Having an integrator who specialises in the medical field is a great advantage. Their expertise with systems integration and knowledge about the facilities current system helps overcome obstacles more quickly and easily, meaning they’re able to develop applications to achieve greater productivity for the company.
So the main aim in applying systems integration is to deliver a more versatile service for both the inpatient, outpatient and medical staff. With systems integration the re-telling of information necessary for medical care is decreased, as all necessary information is available to different departments of the medical facility as the information has been centralized.
It’s been proven that the application of systems integration in any business, including hospitals, greatly decreases the outflow of revenue, which of course means increased profit. Furthermore, with automation it’s a smoother process which ultimately leads to increased clientele satisfaction.
In addition, these systems offer greater satisfaction for employees, as easy access to information ensures efficient delivery of the necessary service to the client. They’re able to quickly connect clients to specific medical departments where their concerns are directlyaddressed.
Systems integration,therefore, has positive effects for both the medical facility and employees, but most of all it gives the client a more pleasant experience when they go to the hospital or medical centre requiring attention.
If you’d like more information regarding integrating systems within a hospital or medical facility please click the image below.